zaterdag 15 augustus 2015

Second Swiss contingent

A new unit of Expert Foot Serjeants for my 15th Century Swiss army.
Like the previous unit they are all from the plastic mercenaries box from Perry's mixed with the metal Swiss headpack.
 The one with the missing arm is to be the musician. I wanted him to hold a Swiss horn, so I'm currently looking for a suitable arm. The ones from Gripping Beast's Dark Age Warriors-box look good and every sprue has such an arm; so if anybody out there could help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
His sword arm is a mix from an arquebus-holding arm; the sword & hand is from the command sprue's Thalhoffer-technique arms.
The wounded soldier is a normal figure from the mercenaries box which legs I bent by heating it above a candle. Just watch out because the plastic can melt rapidly if you leave it over the flame for just a second too long.
A soldier tries to help his wounded comrade.
Another sees the horror in front of him.

Nex up are a unit of Fribourgian crossbowmen.

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